Berg Systems AB har utvecklat appen Budgetera. Appen finns att ladda ner utan kostnad på Google Play Store och Apple App Store.
Denna integritetspolicy är till för att informera användare av appen vilka personliga uppgifter som appen hanterar och sparar.
Appen samlar inte in (och delar därmed inte heller) någon personlig information utöver vad som beskrivs i detta dokument.
Google Play Services hanterar installationer och (anonymiserad) buggrapportering för appar på Android.
Privacy Policy
Berg Systems AB developed the Budgetera app. This app is provided by no cost and is intended for use as is. The app can be downloaded free of charge from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
This privacy policy is used to inform you regarding policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decide to use this app.
Sharing your information
The developer will share personal information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this privacy statement. In fact the app does not collect any personal information.
Google Play Services offers APIs for installation and (anonymized) bug reporting for Android apps.